When the head of an ancient Samaritan family is injured, it throws the family into turmoil. There isn’t enough money to pay the hefty Roman taxes. The daughter, Chana, is taken as compensation and forced into slavery inside a cruel centurion’s home.
As a slave, Chana witnesses the miracles of Yeshua. They give her hope as she stands up to the abuses of the centurion’s children and survives unspeakable atrocities.
Unaware of her family’s presence in Jerusalem, the holy city brings nothing but horror when Chana witnesses the crucifixion at the hands of the Romans. While struggling to overcome her traumas Naftili, Chana’s brother, is taken as a slave to the same house as Chana.
Their fate to live a life as slaves seems impossible to overcome until they are rescued by dragons sent from God. But all is not easy as their faith journey continues. They will encounter obstacles designed to prevent them from becoming Dragon Disciples, faithful followers who spread and protect the Word of God.

A Threat Delivered
My Dearest Lilia,
I am sure after these many years you have come to see the error of your ways in choosing Theodric over me. I am willing to forgive your transgressions and welcome you to my castle and my god, Sidramah. To make you even more comfortable, you may bring one of your children with you.
* * * *
Seven Years Later:
Queen Lilia stood by the doorway of the aerie at the top of the castle. A gentle breeze blew the scent of liliads through the open doors. Tapestries depicting Asha covered the stone walls. It was sparsely furnished with a wooden desk, chairs, a table, and bookshelves. Portraits of the princes were interspersed between potted miniature rosas. She took off the ceremonial day robe and tossed it on an armchair, leaving a simple white dressing gown. She removed the petite crown and placed it on the desk. Finally, she pulled the white ribbon out of a braid, freeing the hair to fall loose around her shoulders.
Her lady in waiting delivered a letter. “My Queen.”
After the servant departed, Lilia closed the door and picked up the letter. It was from her old school friend, King Waldrom. Slowly she read it.
I will forever love you, but I find it hard to believe you left me to spend your days in the drudgery of my enemy’s kingdom with his false god. My lord would have given you more.
Soon you will know the pain I have felt these many years since you went away. There will be no peace for you, or Theodric, as long as you remain with him.
Your only hope is to forsake him and come to me.
The letter dropped from her hand as a slow chill crept up her spine. She grabbed her shawl and went to the crackling fireplace, but still the chill would not go away. The evil message clawed at her heart until she could stand it no longer. She snatched the page from the floor and flung it into the hungry flames.
“I will protect my family from you and your evil, Waldrom,” Lilia vowed, as the paper burned, hissing and twisting like a snake set on fire. When the last of the charred paper floated up the chimney, she knew where to turn for help. Lilia ran down the hall to find Rupert, the words of Waldrom’s letter echoing in her head.
* * * *
Joachim stood and watched his twin brother, Brandan, practice the re-growth spell Master Adept Croifan was teaching them. Why must Brandan always be so difficult? Crack! The sapling exploded and fragments of the pot and plant shot everywhere, showering the room’s three occupants with ceramic shards and soil.
Prince and teacher ducked to avoid flying debris. Croifan straightened up, dusted off his clothes. “Not a success, I think. Get another plant, Brandan, and let’s try the spell again, but this time use all the steps.”
Shaking his head at the short, stubby Kningrad, Brandan said, “Master Croifan, this exercise isn’t necessary. We’ll never perform re-growth spells. That’s all done by low-level adepts. We’re much more important than they are.”
“You’re no more important than the lowest serf in your father’s kingdom. Besides, you never know when you might be alone and have to perform one of these spells to survive.” Croifan pounded his staff on the floor. “Do it again.” He pointed his staff, directing Brandan’s attention to one of the lily pads in a fish bowl on the floor.
Brandan looked at Joachim and shrugged his shoulders as if to say, “You asked for it,” and with his deep voice began the chant. “Powers of Ramajadin quicken the streams of creation within your deepest regions and enable this tree an increase in the life blood that feeds all living things and frogs.” With a turn of his hand, Brandan then whispered, “Ignis.” The practice trees erupted into flames and separated the twins from Croifan, now a small green frog.
Glancing around the room in disbelief, Joachim yelled, “Brandan what have you done?”
“Nothing. Now let’s get out of here while we have a chance.” Brandan stalked to the door. “I have had enough of him and his lessons.” He stormed out of the training room.
Joachim yelled, “Summergo,” and ran into the garden after his brother.
Amazon Print: https://www.amazon.com/Palace-Twelve-Pillars-Book-One/dp/B09S3W9BG5/
Amazon Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Palace-Twelve-Pillars-Book-One-ebook/dp/B09S2JB4GC

King Eyvindur and his daughter, Princess Maeve, flew on dragonback
over the city of Wryzburg. He enjoyed this peaceful time spent with his
daughter, a respite from his duties of office. He looked at her riding
Myrria with the wind blowing through her long hair. A green scarf
wrapped around her head, hiding her pointed Kningrad ears, accented
Maeve’s yellow dress. The daffodil-colored dress complimented her
brown hair and the sparkle in her blue eyes. Eyvindur contemplated the
beauty his daughter had grown into. The bright afternoon sun added
depth to her brilliant azure eyes and her pearly white skin. She was so
much like his mother with all the typical Kningrad traits. It was sad in a
way because she inherited so few of Queen Fiona’s traits, but that was the
will of Asha.
As they got closer to the palace, he thought of the happy times spent
with Theodric and Lilia and then later with the twins and Maeve. They
had been such happy children, but times and war changed everything. If
only they hadn’t lost Waldrom to Sidramah all those years ago. It
accomplished nothing by dwelling on these past memories. Now was the
time to focus on the future.
* * * *
It seemed ages since she rode a dragon. She enjoyed flying. However,
with Joachim’s kidnapping and the subsequent war, her father wanted her
safely hidden from Waldrom and the evil surrounding him.
Kningrad children were encouraged to fly, almost before they could
walk, and dragons were cooperative creatures. There were few dragons,
and most of them were bonded as Myrria was to Joachim, but they still
cooperated with all two-legged beings. Unless someone tried to enslave
them as Waldrom had.
Maeve felt Myrria’s excitement and shared it. Both were keenly aware
of all that Joachim experienced in the past months, but they loved him and
couldn’t wait to be with him once again, especially Maeve. She had missed
him so much, and now he was coming back, safe and sound. At least she
hoped that was so.
They had received a message from Rupert. The twins were returning to
Wryzburg, and many things needed to be done before that happened.
Besides the state funeral for King Theodric, there were coronations and a
joining to be prepared for.
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Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/3Fl95Pl

Reunions and Deceptions
Darkness settled on the forest outside the city of Wyrzburg as Brandan and Tatsu landed. Brandan intended to return to the Palace of Twelve Pillars now that Lukan had been found guilty of attempted murder. The way was finally clear for him to get rid of his brother, Joachim, and his wife, Maeve. Well, maybe not Maeve. She seemed a strong woman, one who could make a good partner. If only she was not Kningrad, but maybe Brandan could overlook that flaw.
First, he had to get back into the palace. After dismounting, he tore and rubbed dirt on his clothes and made sure he had the ingredients to perform the spell when he reached the palace.
“Master, is all of this necessary?” Tatsu asked.
“I want Joachim to believe Andrew was working with Lukan to kill us both.” Brandan grimaced. “This way, it will look as if I was injured while trying to escape Andrew, who turned out to be Melvane in disguise. It will look as if the Mantion played a part in this charade. A perfect plan, don’t you think?”
The big scarlet-colored dragon nodded. “At least let me take you closer to the palace.”
“No! I want them to be surprised. You landing in the palace courtyard would take that away.”
“If you think it’s best.”
“I do. Return to the Cave of Njori. I will call when I need you.”
Tatsu flew off as Brandan finished the journey to the palace. Upon arrival at the gates, the returning king mumbled magic words and stumbled hard as a gash appeared where the tibia bone in his leg broke through the skin. Blood oozed out, quickly staining his pants.
* * * *
Joachim and Maeve sat in Lilia’s aerie sharing tea during a few quiet moments. With infant twins and a kingdom to tend, there were few of those to be had. Since Brandan’s disappearance, there was even less rest for the royal couple than usual.
“Majesties, thank goodness I found you,” Matthias said, as he ran into the room. He panted trying to catch his breath.
The king set his cup down. “Is something wrong with the children?”
“Sire, King Brandan has returned.”
“Why didn’t you bring him?”
Matthias raised his hand to stop the king’s questions, and Maeve put a hand on Joa’s arm.
“He couldn’t come to you. He was badly injured and taken directly to his rooms where a healer could tend him. King Brandan asked for you to come, Sire.”
Maeve stood.
“The king requested only his brother,” Matthias said. “No one else. The healer agreed it was for the best.”
“I will walk with you husband and then check on the children. Come to me when you are finished.”
The king nodded, and they followed Matthias to Brandan’s rooms. When they arrived, Maeve kissed Joachim on the cheek. “Asha be with you, my love.”
“And with you.” Maeve walked slowly away and down the corridor deep in thought. I hope all is well with Brandan, but I fear there is trouble brewing.
Myrria whispered in her head. “Be cautious, beloved of Little One. All is not as it seems.”
Thunder rumbled in the distance on the moonless night. Maeve shivered and ran the rest of the way to the rooms she shared with Joachim and their twins.
To read more:
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Amazon Print: https://amzn.to/3TKYth4
Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/3TKYth4