Give Thanks


I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth… I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. (Psalm 34: 1, 4) 

This past weekend, was one of trials and stress, of things I had no way to control. I fought, I cried, I screamed at the kids. I let the situation I had no control over, have control of me. Rather ironic, the one thing I did have control over I abdicated my control to let something that I couldn’t control, control me. 

Through all of this I cried out to God and felt as if He wasn’t answering me. I sat and wrote in my journal all of the feelings that battered my soul. I yelled at God and blamed myself. I was very full of myself, taking on responsibility for things that were not mine to take on.  I was a mess and yet God sat by laughing His gentle laugh and waiting for me to come to my senses. 

Something good was brewing. I was working on a scene in my w.i.p that needed a lot of emotion, a lot of turmoil. My character was in a place where he was torn in many different directions and I needed to get those emotions down on paper. Enter stage right, my ranting to God for my current trials in their entire tear stained glory. With a few tweaks they become the confused ranting of a confused prince. 

All through my trials, I kept saying when would I see the light, when would the darkness go away, why did I have to wait so long to come out of the pain. The whole time I was focusing on the trials, I was journeying toward God’s resolution, but I couldn’t see it. I was blinded by my own darkness. 

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So I haven’t come out of the trials, but there have been triumphs along with the tears. I must remember to look up and see beyond the darkness and not miss the little flickers along the journey. 

Thank you God for the trials, for the triumphs. Never let me forget that You are guiding the journey, and you know the destination along with the side trips. Help me not to be discouraged but to patiently continue. All this I beseech of you through your most patient and loving son, Jesus. Amen 

All for the Glory of God,


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