Dragons of Dragon Disciples: Resurrection


Last week was prologue week as I spent the week writing two prologues: one for Dragon Disciples: Resurrection and the other for book two; Dragon Disciples: Diaspora. Today I am going to share the one for Resurrection. In this prologue I introduce the dragons and how they came to be on Earth at such an important time in Earth’s history.

Tatsu and Dryas stood with their huge heads bowed before their fiery master, Satan. Satan’s anger weighed heavy on the dragon pair. Tatsu hated being in this position and was sure when Satan finished, he would find a way to make Dryas pay. If her sister, Myrria and the Creator had not interfered, he would now be in control of Ramajadin, or rather his master would be.

“Tatsu, you have failed me,” Satan roared, setting fire to straw in the corner of the cave.

Dryas trembled as Tatsu cleared his throat, releasing a small amount of acid on the floor. “Master, it was Dryas’s fault. Her sister, Myrria tricked her, misled Dryas…”

Another burst of flame landed at Tatsu’s feet. “I don’t care! All that matters is that you failed!” The dark demon rose from his icy throne. Chains rattled as his midnight dogs pulled at them. Satan strode to the ten-foot dragon and glared into the dragon’s eyes. “I am feeling magnanimous today, so I will give you another chance. Do Not Fail Me, for the will be no third chances.”

“Thank you Master,” Tatsu answered.

“Do not thank me. Tomorrow, I will transfer you to another world, Earth; a small, inconsequential world in need of some direction.”

Tatsu perked up. “Small world. That should be easy to subdue.”

Satan stepped away from the jade-colored dragon and stood in front of Dryas while still glaring at Tatsu. “Do not be so confident. You will not be the only one working on this world. The Creator…” Satan grimaced. “has already sent one to teach and convert humans and dragons alike. He will not be so easy to defeat, especially if the Creator sends some of His own dragons.” His gaze shifted to Dryas. “I am sure Myrria, Alorn and Cielo will be the ones appointed to fulfill this mission. And you have already proved they are difficult foes. So, no this will not be easy.”

Satan slowly faded into a cloud of black and red smoke. “Do Not Fail Me!” echoed off the stone walls of the cave.

Tatsu and Dryas materialized on Earth. The year 30 A.D., the place Mount Gerizim in Samaria Israel. The mission; to prevent, enslave and eliminate a new group known as Yeshua followers.


Myrria, the purple dragon glided into the cave she shared with her mate, Alorn and Cielo, her mother. Their last mission for the Creator continued to be successful.

As Myrria landed, Alorn, the red dragon greeted her, “The Creator is here. It’s time.”

Myrria nodded and followed Alorn into the cave. Alorn, Myrria and Cielo bowed before the Creator.

“My beloved children, you have done well. The people of Ramajadin are firmly planted in their faith.”

“Thank you, Mighty Creator,” Myrria said.

“There is another world that needs your unique talents as my messenger dragons to guide them. This mission will be more complex than Ramajadin. For besides battling Tatsu and Dryas, you will be building a new group to continue My Son, Yeshua’s work on Earth.

“We are ready and able, Oh Glorious One,” Alorn said.

“This will be more difficult than you have encountered before.”

“How so Holy One,” Cielo asked.

“Cielo, you will search for other dragons that have been persecuted and driven into hiding by the unknowing and unbelieving. For they will be necessary for the continuation of Myrria and Alorn’s work,” the Creator answered.

Cielo bowed her great silver-colored head. “And what of Alorn and I?” Myrria asked.

“My beloved Son is already on Earth planting the seeds. You will arrive on Earth three days before, like the dragons, my Son will be persecuted and put to death. Starting with that you will have a threefold mission. First to rescue two Samaritan young people from their Roman persecutors. Once you succeed the second part of the mission starts as the dragons along with Yeshua’s disciples will convert and train them to fulfill an ancient prophecy and establish the Dragon Disciples. And the third, eventually this group will be tasked with spreading and protecting God’s word. One more thing, you will encounter many things that are different from what you know, but I am sure that it will not present a great challenge to you.”

The three dragons bowed. “Let Your will be done,” Myrria responded.

The Creator faded into a gentle amethyst colored mist. “I am sure you will not disappoint. I will be with you always.”

Myrria, Alorn and Cielo materialized on Earth. The year 33 A.D., the place the Mount of Olives outside of Jerusalem, Israel. The mission to rescue two Samaritan children, Chana and Naftili and to establish the Dragon Disciples, tasked to protect and spread the Word of God.

Christina Weigand Wins The Bookfest Second Place for the Book Dragon Disciples Resurrection at The BookFest® Awards Spring 2024


Desireé Duffy, Founder of The BookFest, says, “I am delighted to announce Christina Weigand as the winner of a Second Place in Fiction > Fantasy – Historical for Dragon Disciples: Resurrection at The BookFest Awards. This year’s competition was exceptional, and Christina Weigand should be very proud of this outstanding accomplishment.”

My interview with Don McCauley will be rebroadcast on Wednesday, April 10, all day. Visit https://wnbnetworkwest.com/

Scroll down to Dragon Disciples: Resurrection click on the link to hear Don and I talk about the book and writing and a little bit of life.

#ReadABook and #TheAuthorsShow

Chana: Crucifixion and Resurrection


While still a slave, suffering endless tortures, Chana witnesses the crucifixion of her beloved Yeshua. Throughout her time in slavery she encountered Yeshua several times and witnessed a couple of His miracles. He provided her with hope in the face of her tormenters.

Chana is sent out by her cruel mistress, Fabia. to silence the Jewish crowds in Jerusalem for the Passover. (I don’t know how Fabia expects a mute slave girl to do that.) When Chana steps through the gates of the villa she is swept up in the crowds following the convicted Yeshua.

After stopping in the kitchen to check on Fabia’s breakfast, Chana scampered to the front gate and stepped through. People line the street shouting, “Crucify Him!”

She pushed herself to the front of the crowd. Two centurions on horseback led a procession. Chana recognized Leonidas, the centurion whose servant Yeshua healed. She backed up as the centurions passed her, creating a path through the crowd.

Sobbing drowned out the screaming. Chana turned her head to find the source. Stumbling behind the centurions, a man caried a heavy cross like the ones to crucify criminals. She scrambled to get away as the crowd pushed her closer to the sweaty, blood-covered man. He looked into her eyes as she knelt on the ground beside Him. Realization struck her like the stone that crippled her abba. The man smiled despite the pain and sorrow she saw in His eyes. Yeshua. Chana reached out and touched his blood-stained cheek. With her other hand, she wiped blood from His face before a centurion on foot pulled her to her feet and out of the path.

Little does Chana know this is also the beginning of her personal crucifixion and resurrection as she witnesses Yeshua’s cruel crucifixion. Although she will not witness the resurrection, her life will drastically change because of it.

Chana’s tears came like a flood as she watched Mary approach the cross. One of Yeshua’s followers supported Mary as she stood there. Chana fought the urge to run to Mary. She envied the woman’s calm demeanor that concealed a pain greater than can be imagined.

The nightmare needed to end. Chana needed to wake up and find it was naught but a dream. Why didn’t anyone stop this madness?

Yeshua cried out. One of the centurions offered him something to drink. Yeshua refused to drink. Chana wondered what it was, maybe sour wine. It seemed like something these cruel tormentors would try.

Then she saw Leonidas, standing off to the side, alone. His head turned and looked away from the cross. Tears shone on the man’s face which was frozen in a mask of fear and anger. He started to walk down the hill when Acanthus yelled, “Leonidas, where do you think you’re going?”

“I can’t watch this anymore.” Leonidas directed people off the hill.

“Leonidas, I order you to stay until I say you can leave,” Acanthus said.

Leonidas returned to his post, but refused to look at the dying man.

While on the subject of crucifixion and resurrection I realized on Easter Sunday that Dragon Disciples: Resurrection is going through a crucifixion and resurrection in a sense. I will not get into the details, as I have already shared the circumstances. After months of issues and a quasi release, the old publisher is no longer in the picture and that part of the journey has been crucified. Now with a new publisher, Pandora’s Order, there is a resurrection of Dragon Disciples: Resurrection.


Stay tuned in the upcoming months for news of the new launch date and promotion. Exciting times are ahead.

Italicized text is excerpts from Dragon Disciples: Resurrection.

A Sneak Peak: Tatsu is on the Scene


Chapter One

Sychar 31 A.D.

Tatsu’s stomach rumbled as he spied the lone goat. It had been days since the jade colored tanniym had eaten. His large wings drooped, and his scales had lost their luster. Satan had ordered him to stay hidden until the right time. Disobeying his master was out of the question even if it limited his ability to hunt. A little hunger was nothing compared to being demoted or forever tormented in Satan’s fiery furnaces. He shook his large head and using his serpentine tail for guidance he dove toward a nearby shed. His master wouldn’t know if he cooked this lone goat and set fire to the shed. No one would notice. Tatsu roared and a blast of white-hot lightning shot from his mouth, obliterating the thatched roof of a shed; the goat cooked to perfection. He swooped down and devoured it in one large bite. His stomach rumbled, having only satisfied his hunger a little. He flew toward the caves in the mountains above Galilee. The need to find more food grew as the hatching of Dryas’s eggs approached. The tanniym would be hungry.

After Dryas botched the job back home on Ramajadin, and he took the blame to protect his mate, Satan punished him with this assignment on Earth. From what the tanniym observed, the people of this planet displayed tendencies even more primitive than the races from their home. He shook his head and roared. This backward planet with its dry desert and scraggly foliage did little to ease his desire to return to his home. Compared to the beings of his world, these people had a long way to go before they could ever challenge him. Only a chosen few could communicate with tanniym, and even they seemed willfully in denial of the tanniym existence. Evidence of their feeble minds. Enslaving Earth for Satan would be much easier than enslaving Ramajadin. He roared again as he flew in front of the sun. The humans looked to the sky and ran into their small houses like mice scurrying for cover.

Coming to a store near you, January 1, 2024 Dragon Disciples: Resurrection.

Myrria and Alorn: An Announcement


Myrria Image by Alana Jordan from Pixabay
Alorn Image by Angela from Pixabay

Myrria and Alorn are pleased to announce the publication of my newest book Dragon Disciples: Resurrection, on a date yet to be determined, but before Christmas 2023.

When Dragons come to Earth during the ministry of Yeshua to build the Dragon Disciples to protect and spread HaShem’s Word a young Samaritan woman defies the conventions of her societies to find her voice and faith and become the leader of the the Dragon Disciples.

Again I stress this is not the cover, but only a suggestion from me. When the cover is ready I will certainly share with you.

Keep your eyes and ears open for further announcements. I will share updates with you as time moves ahead.

One more thing you will note the title is changed to Dragon Disciples: Resurrection. That change has put me in a pickle for the next book in the series, but more to that at a later date.

Book Updates

Sorry I have been MIA for a while especially since I said I would try and post every week. There has been a lot going and I will fill you in on some before I really do go MIA.

News about Dragon Disciples: Resurrection:

I prepared and pitched to a new publisher. And I am excited to share that they asked for me to send a proposal.

This morning I finished the proposal and sent it off to the publisher. Now I wait. Send good thoughts and prayers that this publisher will accept my proposal and move the book onto the next phase.

When I hear from the publisher I will reveal who they are. For now I don’t want to jinx anything. It is in God’s hands now.

Dragon Disciples: Diaspora:

This book, the continuation of Resurrection is in the revision and editing stage. I temporarily have set it aside to cool as I have felt the third book calling.

Dragon Disciples: Tribulation:

The third book will take a slight turn as I am jumping ahead 10 years and some of the secondary characters will be the protagonist. This was done so I could capture the whole of history from Jesus’s mission to the fall of the Temple in Jerusalem.

Palace of Twelve Pillars series are available on Amazon:

Palace of the Twelve Pillars: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09S3W9BG5/

Palace of the Three Crosses: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1495963063

Sanctuary of Nine Dragons: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09XT2KFDR

Now back to the opening paragraph where I mentioned I would be MIA. I am having a surgery on Friday of this week and will not be able to post for a couple of weeks. I will try and post if I get an answer from the publisher, otherwise don’t expect to hear from me for a couple of weeks.

Send good thoughts or say some prayers for my book and my recovery and I will see you on the flip side.


It’s been a while since we talked and a lot has happened. I won’t bore you with all the details but Dragon Disciples: Resurrection was not published. Two publishers made promises and didn’t keep them. So, I am now submitting to a third publisher that is more trustworthy. If that is unsuccessful then I will look into self-publishing. I still feel that God wants this story out there in some form or another and that Satan has found ways to put road blocks in.

So what I’m up too besides submitting: I have the first draft of Dragon Disciples: Diaspora, the second book in the series pretty much finished and am in the editing and revision phase. I started writing the third book Dragon Disciples: Tribulation which will take us up to the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. Between Diaspora and Tribulation there will be a ten year jump ahead so I can explore at the journeys of some new/old characters. Most of the characters in Tribulation are in the other books, but have grown or become more prominent in the Tribulation story line.

I will try to post an update each week, but will be having surgery at the end of the month and might be off for a couple of weeks while I recover.

In the meantime you can check out the Palace of the Twelve Pillars three book series. They can be found on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B003TXOXXA

Twin princes Joachim and Brandan come of age and are thrust into adulthood as they enter a world torn apart by war, kidnapping and betrayal.

As the twins are crowned Kings of Mahorg and Crato, and wed to powerful women, each will deal with the loss of their parents in his own unique way. The choices each makes will set their world on a cataclysmic course that only loss and sacrifice can deter.

Is their love and faith strong enough to see Joachim and Brandan through the veil of evil blanketing the land, or will it fail and be left to their children to save.