It’s Live

The paperback of Dragon Disciples: Resurrection is live.

Ebook soon to follow.

When the head of a Samaritan family is injured, it throws the family into turmoil. There isn’t enough money for the hefty Roman taxes. The daughter, Chana, is taken as compensation and forced into slavery in a cruel centurion’s home.

As a slave, Chana witnesses the miracles of Yeshua. They give her hope as she stands up to the abuses of the centurion’s children and survives unspeakable atrocities.

Unaware of her family’s presence in Jerusalem, the holy city brings nothing but horror when Chana witnesses the crucifixion at the hands of the Romans. While struggling to overcome her traumas, her brother Naftili, is taken as a slave to the same house as Chana.

Their fate to live their lives as slaves seems impossible to overcome until they are rescued by dragons sent from God. But all is not easy as their faith journey continues. They will encounter obstacles designed to prevent them from becoming Dragon Disciples, faithful followers who spread and protect the Word of God.

Publication Delayed

 I was quiet yesterday which may have left some of you wondering what happened to the release of Dragon Disciples: Resurrection. I come to you today to let you know. The release has been postponed. I am not sure at this point in time when it will happen, but am praying that God’s will be done and the book released soon. Here is a copy of the note the publisher posted yesterday:

Hello Everyone,
This is Rhonda Chieduch – Kacho, owner of Publishing Kacho & Marshall.
I am very sorry to say that for occurrences beyond our control, Christina Weigand’s book, “Dragon Disciples” Resurrection,” will not be releases on January 15th as previously advertised.
I would like to personally apologize to Christina for any problems, difficulties or embarrassment this may have cause her.
I would like to apologize to Christina’s fans that are eagerly waiting for the release.
To try and make amends to Christina’s fans, this book we will be selling on Amazon for 12.99 for the first five days.
After the set amount of time, the book will be returned to its normal prize of $16.99.
Giving us time to receive our stock, the book will be available for its PERMANENT price of $14.99 on our website on February 1st.
Everyone should run to Amazon to get this amazing book, because I truly believe, this book will one day be a movie.
Why should you run out to get it? Well, there is the great price, but the biggest reason is that the book is always better than the
I asked everyone who reads this book to give a review on Amazon or anywhere else they usually leave a review.
Let’s make my prediction true, buy the book, and make it into a movie.
While buying Christina’s book on our website be sure to look at some of the other great books we have.
You will be able to buy the book anywhere fine books are sold shortly after its release on Amazon.
Rhonda Chieduch – Kacho.
Frances Marshall
Publishing: Kacho & Marshall.
Publishing Kacho & Marshall
Your online Book Sotre

Needless to say I was hurt, angry and disappointed. Now I hope to move on and do everything in my power to see the book published in the very near future.