Palace of the Twelve Pillars is the title of a series of books as well as the first novel in the series.

I have been asked why I chose this title for the series and the first novel, although it did happen in reverse, so I guess I should say first novel and then series. Anyway on first thinking and response to this question, I would have said, I don’t really know, it just came to me. Or should I clarify God gave it to me and I didn’t realize until further speculation why He chose this title. Now I will try to share some of that with you.
Twelve Pillars is a series of fantasy stories about the inhabitants on the imaginary planet of Ramajadin, in the imaginary countries of Crato and Mahorg on a distant planet. The series is directed at Young Adults and all have a spiritual theme running throughout. In each of the novels in the series we see a different set of young people (although they are all related) facing the trials of a young teen in a medieval world. They are forced to face evil and make decisions based on their faith or lack thereof. Princes, princessess, kings and queens along with the wizards and adepts and a cast of beings all deal with a world very similar to our own where evil and good make a daily appearance and lure us into their respective webs with all their promises. Each teen will embark on a journey to adulthood as he/she makes the choices based on what they know.
You are probably still asking why Palace of the Twelve Pillars. The easy answer, that is the palace in the royal city of Wryzburg and is where the good king lives and reigns. Now for the more difficult answer. Besides being home to the king and his family it is also the base for their religion, a faith very similar to our Christianity. The twelve pillars, like the twelve apostles of Christ, represent the twelve disciples of the Cratonite and Mahorganite faith. The twelve pillars or apostles if you will are the foundation on which their faith as well as my own is built.
Through our Bible or their Annals of Time all that is needed to live this life or theirs can be found. With these tools their faith as well as our own is molded.
This series of novels is written as a guide for young people to find their way through the trials of life and learn to rely on God (Asha).
All for the Glory of God
Palace of the Twelve Pillars: Book One
The Peace Summit was in shambles, the prince kidnapped.
When the rival king realizes he kidnapped the wrong prince, hostilities escalate. Loyalties to each other and country are tested for the twin princes of Crato, Joachim and Brandan.
Joachim, captive of King Waldrom, faces deception and betrayal as he struggles to find his way home. Brandan, at home with a father focused on rescuing Joachim, wrestles with his own demons as he searches for his place in the world and the favor of his father.
Torn from the safety and peace of their childhood, they are thrust into a world where bonds of family, brotherhood and roles as heirs to Crato are tested. Through war, spiritual journeys, death and marriage, will they choose the path of good or evil? Who can be trusted, as the world they know slips into a whirlpool of chaos?
Video Trailer Link: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=KSmA0Q52h_8
For a Sneak Peek: https://tinyurl.com/yb2qraw3
Buy Links:
Amazon Print: https://amzn.to/3Nd5rsx
Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/3NbmbR8
Palace of the Three Crosses: Book Two
Brandan and Joachim have returned from the brink of Hell, but everyone questions if they are truly healed and one with Asha.
As each prince tries to readjust to life, they must face the funeral of their father and their missing mother.
They each take on the responsibility of ruling a country with new wives by their sides, but can they and the countries survive the trials that will ensue because of their choices?
Video Trailer Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy_qJyeeVmM
Sneak Peek: https://tinyurl.com/yawp3u47
Buy Links:
Amazon Print:https://amzn.to/3Nbmo6S
Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/3SJaC4A
Sanctuary of Nine Dragons: Book Three
Joachim banishes Brandan to prison island of Hyogo. His infant son, Prince Airyn disappears from his cradle. A chain of events is set in motion that will pit brother against brother, friend against friend, parents against children as Brandan and Joachim struggle for control of their sanity and their very lives.
With Brandan declared dead and his son missing Joachim sinks into despair and anger, where those close to him fear he may never return.
Is Brandan really dead and if he is, who is manipulating the Mantion and enemies of Crato?
Can Maeve save her country and her husband from the tentacles of evil pervading the land?
Video Trailer Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIkNu78-BME&t=2s
Sneak Peek: https://tinyurl.com/ybh4w7kk
Buy Links:
Amazon Print: https://amzn.to/3TW3AuE
Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/3WbEw4s