Author Blog Challenge: Day 17 and 18



 What has been the most enjoyable or most memorable aspect?

Missed another day. It’s amazing how life can get in the way of writing.

So I I am  going to talk about the prompt from yesterday. What has been most enjoyable or memorable about writing and publishing my books?

First and foremost the writing, getting to know the characters and see where they were going to take the story and how they were going to grow.

Second the other writers, editors and publishers that I have met and become friends with. Authors are an amazing bunch of people  and I have had the distinct pleasure of befriending a few of them, too many to name here. One I will mention here though and that’s Darlene Reilley. She is my other brain, the person I turn to no matter what the problem. I would go so far as to say she is my brainmate.

This year an amazing thing happened and I have talked about it a little bit, but I’m going to mention it again. One of the authors that I have befriended is also a teacher in Taiwan. Annie Douglass Lima, she can be seen at put me in touch with a sixth grade teacher, Jennifer Finch. After discussing it with Annie and Jennifer I sent bookmarks and a letter from Myrria the dragon to Jennifer’s class and didn’t really expect to hear anymore about it.

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Another amazing incident. In March I did an interview about marriage in exchange for a review of my books sometime in the future. Much to my pleasant surprise March 12, 2015 I recieved a note on Facebook that there was a review of my book up from the 10 year old daughter of the woman who I did the interview for. Maria and Karee Santos gave a wonderful review, but the most amazing one was from Maria. You can check out their reviews at

But the story doesn’t end there. To show my gratitude to Maria I sent a few bookmarks to her. A few weeks later I heard that they had had a class raffle to raffle off the extra ones I sent her. I quickly sent enough for the rest of the students who didn’t win.

To have these children send me notes and write reviews has been the most amazing part of this journey.

Palace of the Three Crosses: Book Two available at MuseItUp Publishing

and Amazon Kindle:



Author Blog Post: Day 16


I missed Day 14 and 15. We were on a whirlwind trip to Virginia Beach, Virginia for the wedding of my husband’s nephew. I say whirlwind because we drove all day Friday, partied on Saturday and then drove all day Sunday. We hardly had time to breathe let alone me find time to write.

Now sitting here on Monday morning I am having trouble getting started. On my to do list: Finish edits and send them to the co-author, work on the second book in the series, and write a devotion that is due by Thursday.  Then as I sit getting ready to start working on my to do list, I discover that my submittal for critique group is due today and I haven’t even started it. Time to drop back and punt. I finish it just in time to get a text message from my daughter that she needs a form brought up to her school today. So my to-do list goes on hold again while I run that errand.

I’m not sure why I’m sharing all of this, except to maybe explain why my head isn’t anywhere near the place it has to be today. Seems I need another day to breathe and recover from the whirlwind that was our weekend.

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So now I sit here on a rainy Monday staring at an ominous to do list and no idea how to start whittling away at it. What do I do; ramble away on this blog post that is going no where and saying nothing. But I am writing, so I count that as a win, that will hopefully lead to some more writing.

Sorry for the rambling. Hopefully tomorrow I will have better stuff to share with you. In the meantime check out my books. To celebrate the second anniversary of the release of the second book in the Palace of the Twelve Pillars trilogy; Palace of the Three Crosses: Book Two are all on sale for .99. Check it out.