New Evangelizers



10646699_710439319031614_7692693758538826121_nAfter a temporary dry spell I finally have a new post up at New Evangelizers. It is entitled Trials and Thanksgiving and I talk about some of the things that have been happening in my life in the last year. Be sure and check it out.


In the last year-and-a-half my life has taken some drastic turns. My husband and I chose to leave a very full, fulfilling life and move back to Pennsylvania. We left very dear friends, a daughter, granddaughter, and new son-in-law, and a church and school that we loved, to come back to a known, yet unknown, life. When we moved back we had no home and my husband’s business was unsure.
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Then at the end of September, 2014, something happened that shook my world. It was a double edged sword as in one way it was a sad, unexpected experience while on the other edge it served as a wake up call to God’s plan. One of the reasons we decided to move back was to be with our aging and not so healthy parents.

Go to the link below to read the whole article as well as checking out a few other Catholic writers.

The Ultimate Reading Quest





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Happy New Year from all the Authors in the Ultimate Reading Quest! This year myself, and all the Quest authors, want you to enjoy your reading experiences more than ever! So in 2015, the Ultimate Reading Quest has more, more, more! More authors and more books, means more mystery, more danger, more intrigue and more edge-of-your-seat adventure awaits you! We want you, our readers, to be able to fill that Kindle, tablet or E-reader you got for Christmas, with fabulous reads to take you through 2015. The Quest is so much fun! Who doesn’t love searching for treasure? The ULTIMATE READING QUEST is about finding books that are “perfectly” suited to your reading taste by clicking on choices. To thank you for participating, the authors have decided to give away oodles of prizes for free! Enter your name to win Amazon cards and free books from authors! Plus a whole store of treasured books are just waiting to be discovered by you!

Enjoy your journey as you travel through the QUEST! Don’t forget to enter the raffle on the first page of the Quest. And please leave comments or questions for the authors of the Quest. We would love to hear from you. What are you waiting for? Click on the button above or below to get started on your QUEST for the next ULTIMATE READ!



Please be sure to check out the Ultimate Reading Quest. Palace of the Twelve Pillars: Book One, Palace of the Three Crosses: Book Two and Sanctuary of Nine Dragons: Book Three can be found by clicking on the Fiction button and then the Science Fiction/Fantasy button. Take a look at all the wonderful books found on the site.