Mary Magdalene: The Dispossessed Woman



There were also women looking on from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the the mother of the younger James and of Joses, and Salome. (Mark 15:40)

Read and Ponder Mark15: 40, 47

Jesus is being nailed to a cross. The soldiers raise the cross and drop it in a hole. Jesus shudders as the cross settles into place. A woman rushes forward to caress His bleeding feet. She is pushed away by one of the soldiers. Where are the chosen Twelve? One is dead, another has denied knowing Jesus, and all but one of the rest are in hiding in fear for their lives. Beneath the cross stands one apostle, John, and a group of women. In this group are Mary Jesus’ mother, and Mary Magdalene.

After the evening inGethsemanepraying and witnessing the arrest of Jesus, most of the men, demoralized by what they had seen fled. Mary Magdalene and the other women stayed to ensure Jesus would not suffer alone.


Questions to Ponder:

  1. Mary showed courage in her faith, remaining with Jesus until the end. Would my faith remain as strong when faced with scorn and condemnation or would I be like the apostles, run, and hide?
  2. Do I let my love and faith fill me up and make me strong or do I only use it when it suits my purposes?


Lord Jesus, I am not worthy of your love and compassion. I thank you for all you have given to me and I offer it up to you in glory and praise of you and your father. Let me be like Mary Magdalene and love you with all that is I. Let me find in you what I cannot find in things of this world. Let me live as one of yours for all eternity. Amen

All for the Glory of God,

Christina Weigand

Excerpted from Women in the Bible: A Study by Christina Weigand


Mary Magdalene: The Dispossessed Woman


Afterward he journeyed from one town and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. Accompanying him were the Twelve and some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, Susanna, and many others who provided for them out of their resources. (Luke 8:1-3, NAB)



Mary Magdalene was a single woman of means. We do not know how, but she had made a good life for herself. However, she was not fulfilled. There was an emptiness inside of her created by unidentified demons. She was a lonely, empty woman when Jesus came into her life. Then her life changed forever.

Sometimes I let my demons, like overeating, anger, and selfishness to name a few, take me away from God. I refuse to turn to God to fill the emptiness inside of me. God waits patiently for me to come to my senses and turn back to Him. And when He fills the emptiness in me I realize how short those other demons fall of filling me. God is the ultimate satisfaction.

Read and Ponder: Luke 8:2

The Bible says Mary Magdalene was possessed by demons and Jesus healed her by chasing the demons out. When Jesus did this, He filled the empty space in her with God’s love. We do not know what kind of pain and emptiness Mary felt, but as women, we can relate to it. Many of us feel as if something is missing from our lives. We throw ourselves wholeheartedly into anything to fill the emptiness that only God can fill.


Questions to Ponder:
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  1. Do I have an emptiness I try to fill with relationships and things of the world?
  2. Are my demons really filling the emptiness?



Lord Jesus, I am not worthy of your love and compassion. I thank you for all you have given to me and I offer it up to you in glory and praise of you and your father. Let me be like Mary Magdalene and love you with all that is I. Let me find in you what I cannot find in things of this world. Let me live as one of yours for all eternity. Amen


Please feel free to post the answers to the questions in the comment section below.


All for the Glory of God

Christina Weigand