M is for Mercy: M is for Mahorg and Crato and Melvane

M is for Mercy: May God in His great wisdom grant His eternal Mercy to me.

M is for Mahorg and Crato and Melvane: Mahorg and Crato are the two neighboring countries in Palace of the Twelve Pillars. King Theodric and his family rule in Crato and King Waldrom rules in Mahorg. The two countries were at peace with each other until King Waldrom came into power. He along with the evil wizard Melvane and the power of Sidramah( the Evil One) strive to take over Crato and rule the land with little regard for the people of either country.
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Eleven days until the release of Palace of the Twelve Pillars. Keep following my posts to get hints about what’s going to happen.  Here is the link to the video trailer: http://youtu.be/PD0Jp99jZA4

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I is for Inspiration and Imherp and Grilwood: J is for Joy and Joachim

I should have posted I yesterday and although I knew my book fact I lacked Inspiration for the devotional piece. So today I will do a double post to make up for it.

I is for Inspiration. I get my Inspiration from God. When I travel with Him, when I live in His word then the glory of Him is revealed to me. J is for the Joy I feel  when I am right with God.

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J is for Joachim. Joachim is Brandan’s older twin brother and son to Queen Lilia and King Theodric. He will be kidnapped by the evil King Waldrom and have to chose between following Waldrom’s evil or sticking to his faith in Asha.