Three days until Brandan and Joachim embark on their continued adventures. What is in store for our young princes in Palace of the Three Crosses. Here is an excerpt:
Can you figure out where they are and what is going to happen. No: Well on Friday you purchase the book and find out.
Lukan guided the boys to a quiet corner, where they would receive the least notice,
and ordered a round of drinks. After they received their drinks, they began to
reminisce about the day’s activities. The bar keep kept Brandan’s constantly empty
mug full while Joachim nursed his drink slowly.
A loud, obnoxious soldier on the other side of the room loudly expressed his
feelings about the recent war and the funeral. “I think things’re going to get a sorry
sight worse now that Theodric’s left us. Those boys of his couldn’t rule their way
out of his crown. Joachim may be a small site better than his brother, Brandan, but
I still think we’s in serious trouble ’fore things get better. Only Asha knows what’ll
happen in Mahorg, ’specially if they send the whelp Brandan back there. He’s
already betrayed his family and Crato and run away with his tail tucked ‘tween his
legs. Who’s to say he won’ do it again? Sides, I heard tell he was in bed with
Sidramah along with his minion Waldrom and those dirty little Mantions. Yessir,
this country’s headed for trouble with those boys running it.”
Visibly incensed, Brandan stood up, took a swig of goll, and marched over to
the blowhard. “You should watch what you say and where you say it. Your job and
life could be called into question.”
“And who are you to question me, whelp? Maybe you should run back to your
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“Do you know who you are talking to, soldier?”
“Get on with you, back to your mummy.”
Brandan reached for his sword, but Joachim grabbed his arm before he could
draw it. Brandan swung around and knocked Joachim to the floor. Joachim came
up swinging and hit his brother in the jaw. Brandan punched him in the stomach
and pushed him into the bar. The soldier grabbed a walking stick leaning against
the wall, raised it over his head, and brought it down on Joachim’s right arm. White
hot pain screamed through his body as Joa slumped to the floor only vaguely aware
of the action around him. He cradled his injured right arm with his left hand. Lukan
came up behind and grabbed the man’s arms. He pinned them behind his back
while Brandan hit the soldier in the stomach. The barkeep came out from behind
the bar, seized the walking stick, and threatened to hit anyone who moved.
If you want a chance to see what happened to the boys in the first book then check out this link at Christian eBooks Today. They are running a blitz on Amazon today. Here is the link:
Here is the link to my author page at the MuseItUp Bookstore and the video trailer for Palace of the Three Crosses.
Check out my author page and the trailer: