David R. Bennet’s Cry of the Wolf

Hi Everyone,

David R. Bennett’s Cry of the Wolf is being released on August 30, 2013. He dropped by to give me a little taste of his upcoming release.


Title: Cry of the Wolf   

Series: Destiny Phoenix #2

Author: David R. Bennett

Publisher: Freaky Fiction Writing (http://freakyfictionwriting.wordpress.com/)

Release: August 30, 2013

Good Reads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18097257-cry-of-the-wolf





Destiny, Brandon, Chris, Michelle, and Sandra enter the town of Jasper Springs, Louisiana on their way to meet some important people out in Atlanta. They are here to stop and get some rest and refuel before continuing on.

But when the full moon rises, the howling begins.
People, then, come up missing as a bloody trail is left throughout town.
This town is used to the unusual, but this werewolf is extraordinarily bloodthirsty even for this town.

Destiny and her friends check it out.
What trouble are they headed for?
Will someone be turned?
Or worse yet, killed?

Book links: Coming Soon

And now a little bit about David:

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David R Bennett is a pen name that comes the reordering of his initials real initials. He, also, thinks the name has a ring to it.

Not only is he an author, he, also, is an illustrator. His real name is what is credited with the cover art to his novels.

He attended RockyMountainCollege if Art + Design in Denver, Colorado where he earned a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Advertising Graphic Design. The graphic design techniques he learned in college he uses to design his covers.

He, also, reads a lot of sci-fi / fantasy / paranormal books. Some of his favorite monsters are vampires, mummies, zombies, goblins, ghouls, werewolves, etc. He has plans to write a long string of novels in the Destiny Phoenix series and a series about an alien coming to Earth in the Alien Survivor series. Both of these series are planned as Young Adult novels.

His favorite horror flick is Resident Evil because it is scary to think that biological warfare could one day result in human extinction by undead creatures. And his favorite series of films is Star Wars and is excited about the next film coming out in 2015.


Blog: http://davidrbennett.wordpress.com

Twitter: @drb2031

Facebook: http://facebook.com/davidr.bennett.96

Author Page: http://facebook.com/AuthorDavidRBennett

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/bennettdavidr

Goodreads Author Page:  http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/17624569-david-r-bennett

Smashwords Profile Page: http://smashwords.com/profile/view/drbennett

Destiny Phoenix Saga blog: http://destinyphoenixsaga.wordpress.com

Destiny Phoenix Saga on Facebook: http://facebook.com/DestinyPhoenixSaga

Destiny Phoenix Saga on Twitter: @dhp2031

The Crimson Clan on CreateSpace.com: https://www.createspace.com/4209099

Be sure and check David and his new book out.



Cover Reveal and Trailer Release Palace of the Three Crosses

I can’t believe I forgot to post this on my own blog yesterday. I don’t know where my mind was. Anyway here is the trailer and the cover reveal for Palace of the Three Crosses.


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Drumroll please. Here it is the trailer for the Palace of the Three Crosses. http://youtu.be/DmhdCesuOJ8

Check out the cover reveal at Bookworm Bridgettes blog:http://bookwormbridgette.blogspot.com/2013/09/palace-of-three-crosses-by-christina.html