Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 4: More Dragons


Prompt for the day: What would your characters do if they met a famous dragon?

This one is actually easy since most of my characters in my YA books know the dragons up close and personal like. Most of my protagonists are linked to their specific dragons; like Joachim and his father Theodric are linked to Myrria and Brandan is linked  rather reluctantly to Alorn. The reason I say reluctantly is because Brandan is the protagonist/antagonist, so besides Alorn who is one of Asha’s (God of Ramajadin) Brandan is also linked to Tatsu a dragon and slave to Sidramah (the evil force). Whenever any in the royal family, the adepts and the wisdoms need to they can communicate with the dragons, but that ability does not extend to the general population, although there are people that are dragon sensitive (magic sensitive) that if developed can talk with the dragons.

The elf-like race of Kningrad communicate with the dragons, because of their connection to Asha. Their magic and hence their dragon sensing abilities are heightened.

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Joachim on the other hand after some initial fear embraced the communication with Myrria and she became one of his trusted advisors. Joachim will also have doubts on his journey and appear to reject Myrria and his other advisors, but not for long as he makes the painful journey through his uncertainty.

The story of the dragon’s communication abilities when they come to Earth are a little more complicated. As I mentioned yesterday the earth dragons have mostly lost their ability to communicate with humans or the Creator. These stories are in the development stage so how communication is yet to be seen. I would say for the most part Humans fear the dragons and are content to destroy them or drive them into hiding.

Tomorrow we will explore what happens when a child wants a dragon for a pet. You have probably gathered that my dragons are not quite the pet type, so it will be an interesting exploration.

Ultimate Blog Challenge: Day 3 (day 2 for me): Dragons, Dragons, Dragons


For Christmas 2017 my most awesome writing buddy Darlene gifted me with 30 days of Dragons, writing prompts. So I am going to use them for this challenge.

Day 1: Write about the history of dragons.

I haven’t explored much about the history of dragons so I’ll write about my history with dragons. Myrria, introduced herself to me somewhere in 2003. I was writing a Middle-grade book about a young girl named Darby, who was visited by Myrria the dragon and tasked with saving the world from the evil dragon, Tatsu.

Since then many other dragons have come into my life and filled my novels. Last night I tried to figure out how many there were and the family trees for them. What I came up with was that for that time of night there were too many to count and too many twists to plot the family trees.

I also need to mention here that when I met Myrria, she was on Earth and living in a cave complex beneath Mt. Rainier. In later books I would learn that she originally came from a far distant planet named, Ramajadin. After many adventures on Ramajadin with some princes and kings. She along with her mate, Alorn and mother, Cielo were sent to earth. Myrria’s twin sister, Adraya had come to Earth before her to prepare the way. When Myrria arrived on Earth it was during the betrayal and crucifixion on Jesus.
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Dragons on Earth other than Adraya had been terrorized and almost driven to extinction by Humans. The dragons that were not killed had escaped to mountains and remote areas to hide from the Humans and began to regress until they for most of them were no longer sentient beings and no longer shared their connection with the Creator. Adraya has been captured by Humans; first because she came from another planet and was not aware of the relationship between Humans and dragons and secondly; She was sent to scout out the situation and prepare a place for the other dragons of Ramajadin so that they could do the Creator’s work in spreading and protecting His word.

While captured and imprisoned she meets an Earth dragon, Sebastian, who still has some remnants of the connection with the Creator. They  embark on a mission to find the Earth dragons and stir the embers of the connection with the Creator in hopes of establishing the Dragon Knights.

That is the Reader’s Digest version of my history with the dragons. As I mentioned before new dragons are always popping in as I travel through history or return to Ramajadin for more stories.

There are so many dragons now that I have to go back and research some of the stories to find all their names and relationships. I will leave that for another time. I have supplied the major players and gave a little bit of their journey. So until tomorrow enjoy getting to know my dragons.Tomorrow I will discuss some character reactions to the dragons.