A New Series (spoiler alert) The Dragon Knights


At the end of the Twelve Pillars trilogy some of the Guardian Dragons will leave Ramajadin. Asha/God/the Creator has plans for them on the planet earth. The Dragon Knights will follow the journeys of Myrria, Alorn, Cielo, Tatsu and Dryas as It should however be utilized with many different caution since the seeds are poisonous. cheapest levitra http://www.opacc.cv/documentos/Programa_da_Candidatura.pdf The penile cialis samples erectile tissue is rich in tiny pools of blood vessels known as cavernous sinuses. They http://www.opacc.cv/documentos/Regulamento%20Eleitoral.pdf cialis levitra online are the revolution in the packing industry; they are multipurpose and can be used again and again. The lack of a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate made the sildenafil best price passage of the arteries. they fight throughout Earth’s history for God and His children. Young people like Rachel/Rahela, Serafina, and Darby will join forces with Myrria as Dragon Knights and servants to God to bring His love and peace to a wounded and misled world.

Michal: The Rejected Daughter and Wife


The same night, Saul sent messengers to David’s house to guard it, that he might kill him in the morning. David’s wife Michal informed him “Unless you save yourself tonight, tomorrow you will be killed.” (1 Samuel 19:11)

Read and Ponder: 1 Samuel 19: 11-17

When Saul plans to have David killed, Michal takes it upon herself to help him escape. She even lied to protect David from capture. Now David abandons her and her father is angry with her.


Question to Ponder:

  1. Michal risked the anger of King Saul to save the man she loved. She showed great courage in the face of great risk to herself. Would I show similar courage for someone I love or let circumstances follow their own course?
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Lord Jesus, help me to be less like Michal and more like Leah. Help me avoid bitterness and look toward you as I move through painful life events.


May God’s Mercy and Love embrace you,

Christina Weigand

Excerpted from Women of the Bible: A Study by Christina Weigand