Author Blog Challenge: Day 5


IMG_1241I would have to say Stephen King is right on the money with this statement. Reading is like food and water for the writer. If you don’t feed the beast, provide some sort of sustenance than how can you expect to write anything. Just as we need food, water and air, the writer needs to read to sustain the muse.

I have read all different genres in my lifetime, although in recent years I have been focusing on YA fantasy, which is what I write. In the last couple of months I have been taking a few online classes that have required some reading that has broken me out of my box. I have read the likes of Homer and Virgil as well as some wonderful historical fiction. Although some of it has been difficult it has helped to expand my world and fuel my own work. It’s hard to explain the effect that reading these books has had on my work. I just know that my horizons have been expanded.



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Palace of the Three Crosses: Book Two Anniversary

palaceofthethreecrosses333x500 (1)September 20 is the second anniversary of the release of Palace of the Three Crosses: Book Two. I thought I would spotlight the book for the next couple of weeks.

This week an excerpt:

Rupert looked through the window in his tower room at the landscape of Wyrzburg. Months had passed since the Battle of Harable Valley and the spring planting season faded into the wonderful summer growing season. The land progressed in its healing and would soon be returned to its former state. As he turned from the window, he thought about the things that hadn’t healed…the twins. Brandan and Joachim still had a long way to go to erase the darkness that infected them. Joachim seemed better, but at night he still dreamed of Sidramah, and the doubts about what happened still haunted him. Brandan appeared even further from the boy that left to find his brother. The darkness appeared to follow him day and night. He withdrew to chambers as far away from Joachim as he could get.

Walking down the stairs to the great hall, Rupert remembered when the princes first returned; both had seemed healed and better than ever, maybe. But it appeared as if the tentacles of Sidramah still lingered. Any small opening the evil one could find, he exploited, and both boys were once again haunted by dark dreams.

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