Desert Journeys to Bountiful Ends


On this weeks Lenten Journey I welcome Margaret Realy. Please read and ponder Margaret’s journey and feel free to share your Lenten journey in the comment section below. Please check Margaret’s blog

The Lord will guide you always               


And give you plenty even on dry land.

He will renew your strength,

And you shall be like a watered garden,

Like a spring whose water never fails.

Isaiah 58:11


I often come to Lent with a particular focus and purposefulness that may be lax during the rest of the year. A desire grows in me during the week preceding Ash Wednesday to be of greater service, to aid others financially and to pray more personally with Our Lord. I gather my reading materials, prepare my home altar and consider to which charitable organization in the area I will offer my time.

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I cleaned out attics of memories, emptied closets and drawers of favored items. Boxes of books were picked up by a local bookseller in hopes of some monetary gain. My little station-wagon was filled repeatedly and to capacity with goods forSt. Vincent’s Society, and black garbage bags lined the driveway full of items with no further use.

I prayed through the hardness and darkness with an intensity I had rarely experienced. All the challenges of our Christian call to forgiveness, mercy and charity lay at my feet; I knew what I had to choose.

This experience invoked a profound sense of humility that was accompanied by deep gratitude. In an odd way I felt humbled that God would walk so closely with me. As I struggled to change my perception of isolation I came to recognize it as a grace-filled solitude, a solitude that allowed embracing the gifts that aloneness with Him would bring. I was especially humbled by and grateful for a friend who was willing to support me financially.

The journey through parched land continues. Dramatic changes and unfamiliar scenery are often jolting. But we can be confident that Our Lord will guide, strengthen and renew us through every challenge we experience.

Margaret Rose Realy grew up near 8 Mile & Woodward just outside Detroit, and for several years lived with her maternal grandmother where the love of gardening flourished. This love of plants led her to writing and speaking about the solace found in a garden. Sharing her experience as a gardener she writes a bi-weekly newspaper column. She is currently working on a second manuscript about creating Christian gardens. Margaret dedicates her volunteer time to developing and maintaining gardens of prayer and memorial at St. Francis Retreat & Conference Center, DeWitt, Michigan. She has an older dog, a mini-pin named Lily, a long haired silver cat named Meadow, and recent addition, a miniature tabby called Georgia; all are rescues.

Please check Margaret’s blog  for more of a stroll through the garden.


All for the Glory of God,

Christina Weigand

Bathsheba: The Beloved Wife


Adonijah, son of Haggith, went to Bathsheba, the mother of Solomon. “Do you come as a friend?” she asked. “Yes,” he answered, and added, “I have something to say to you.” She replied, “Say it.” (1 Kings 2: 13-14)

Read and Ponder: 1 Kings

2: 13-25

Here we see the relationship between mother and son is one of great love and respect. Bathsheba must have been aware of the laws of her time and knew the answer to her request would result in someone’s death. Yet, she had the courage to approach her son and know that with the help of God he would make the right decision.


Questions to Ponder:

  1. Am I willing to place my life in God’s hands during times of turmoil and trust him to lead others and me in the right direction?
  2. Do I willingly accept the God’s decision and follow through with the consequences put forth by God?


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A powerful man misused Bathsheba. She had no say in what happened to her. Her only control was in her response to the situation. She chose to take God’s way by forgiving David and learning to love him. God saw Bathsheba’s choice and we see her rewards throughout 2 Samuel and 1 Kings.

Untenable situations also confront us. God has placed us there for reasons only He may know. It is up to us to lovingly handle the situation and turn to God for his help and guidance.


Lord Jesus, help me to be more like Bathsheba and lovingly forgive those who have transgressed against me. Let me find my strength and compassion in you. Amen.

All for the Glory of God,

Christina Weigand

Excerpted from Women of the Bible: A Study by Christina Weigand