NANO: Day 14: It’s all in the cliches


So today I had to write a pep talk since I am one the municipal liaisons for my area, so I thought I would share it here also.

Great we’ve almost reached the halfway point. Many of us have received lift-off some are still struggling.  Here’s a hearty pat on the back for those of you that have reached and surpassed word goals and for those of you who haven’t, a pat on the back for you too. I know you are out there in the trenches (I have seen you) fighting with family and life commitments, but you are doing it. Like I said I’ve seen you in the chat rooms, at the write in’s. Keep your momentum. I know you may be thinking you can’t do this, you will never make the daunted 50000 word point and maybe you won’t but that is no reason to throw in the towel. The first four years I did this, I didn’t make it. In fact in that fourth year I got 49,000 words. Talk about discouraging.

One thing I learned that year (or maybe just reinforced) is it’s not the number; it’s the effort, the discipline, the WRITING. You are making the attempt.

I’ve been posting little inspirations during the past two weeks and I think the one I posted Friday bears repeating here:

It all means little, all the painting, sculpture, drawing, writing… it all has its place and nothing more. An attempt is everything. How Marvelous! (Alberto Giacometti)


This is the time. You have made it this far. Don’t stop now keep moving forward. Make the attempt.

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One other little piece of advice: Give yourself permission to take a break. Do not make yourself ill or totally forget your family starving in the dining room. I took yesterday off, watched some football, cheered for a team I wouldn’t normally cheer for, spent some time with family and friends and today I am ready to dive back in and sprint to the end of the month.

See you all at the finish line.

Happy writing and God Bless.

Christina Weigand

Myrria’s Story: The Dragon Knights

Word count: 23271 words

Naomi: The Loving Mother-in-Law


Then the women said to Naomi, “Blessed is the Lord who has not failed to provide you today with and heir! May he become famous in Israel.” (Ruth 4:14)


Read and contemplate:

  1. Ruth 4: 14-15

Because of Naomi’s unselfish attitudes, God loved her and saw that she had peace and contentment in her life. Even though she was too old and unmarried, God saw to it that she had a child to nourish and who would nourish her in her old age. This son, her grandson by Ruth and Boaz, would be the grandfather of David.



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Through Naomi, Ruth saw and we are able to see, peace, character and loving kindness. As Ruth did, we can emulate these characteristics and achieve these things for ourselves.



Dear Jesus, help me to see beyond my mind freezing emotions, into the needs of others. Help me to move beyond my selfish needs to help those really in need. Let me be an example of you to the world. Amen.

All for the Glory of God,

Christina Weigand

Excerpted from Women of the Bible; A Study by Christina Weigand