Author Blog Challenge: Day 7


Do you ever experience writer’s block? What do you recommend to help overcome writer’s block? Any foolproof tricks that always work for you?

As I sit here on this sunny day watching the clouds float by I’m thinking writer’s block; there’s no such thing. And its funny to be thinking that because as I type these words I am suffering rom writer’s block. I am on a writer’s retreat this weekend, so all I have to do is write. I have no other cares, no worries about family (as much as you can stop worrying) no meals to cook no laundry calling to me or dogs whining to play and yet the words won’t come. Now I can’t say that I have written nothing, today I have managed to write 3000 words on my current wip, but I sit here enjoying this nice breeze and I am stuck. The next line that the character says, the next action that the group takes, the next scene that should appear, eludes me.

So for the moment I enjoy the nice weather and the fellowship with other writers. I know that there won’t be too many more days like this, when the weather is so perfect. I know that soon my characters will start chattering and maybe like they did this morning change the course of the story and I will once again be writing and plotting another way to torture my characters. So for this moment I will enjoy what God has put before me and figure out how to put it into the book.

Yes, I have writers block. But it is fleeting, it will not last.

Soon the words will flow and this block will be but a distant memory.

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Author Blog Challenge: Day 5


IMG_1241I would have to say Stephen King is right on the money with this statement. Reading is like food and water for the writer. If you don’t feed the beast, provide some sort of sustenance than how can you expect to write anything. Just as we need food, water and air, the writer needs to read to sustain the muse.

I have read all different genres in my lifetime, although in recent years I have been focusing on YA fantasy, which is what I write. In the last couple of months I have been taking a few online classes that have required some reading that has broken me out of my box. I have read the likes of Homer and Virgil as well as some wonderful historical fiction. Although some of it has been difficult it has helped to expand my world and fuel my own work. It’s hard to explain the effect that reading these books has had on my work. I just know that my horizons have been expanded.



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