H is for Halberd. A halberd is a weapon from the 15-16 century. The weapon is a combined spear and battle ax.
My trilogy The Palace of The Twelve Pillars is set in this time period, even though it is on the fantasy planet of Ramajadin. While writing these novels I explored the different types of swords, who knew there were so many different types. I also had characters with bows and arrows and possibly a crossbow or two, but the majority of weapons were swords. In retrospect I should have done a little more research and maybe found this weapon; the halberd. I’m sure it would have come in handy a time or two when there was a battle occurring or even had the guards at different palaces.
The weapons that were most used in the novels were swords and there were a couple of different ones that were used depending on the character.
In the beginning of the trilogy most of the characters used short and long swords.
Later in the trilogy Brandan’s sword is taken from him and when he is banished he gets a new sword, called a Katana.
The characters are also known to sport daggers.
The Kningrad would be the ones using bow and arrows or a crossbow.
But if I had known about halberds there definitely would have been a character or two with one. The beauty of research is good when done before hand.
Interesting! Do you consider a bow and an arrow as a character while building stories.?
LOL! I suppose that’s true. Boy, those are all impressive!