A to Z Challenge: O is for Orchestra etc…


O is for Orchestra etc. I discovered that O is a melodious letter. There are a couple of instruments and music related terms that start with the letter O. Music is a big part of our lives and it is interesting to explore some of the components that make up music.




The first one listed is an Oboe. It is a double reed woodwind instrument having  a high penetrating tone.

The next one I discovered was an ocarina. This is a small wind instrument with finger holes and a mouthpiece.

I also came across an organ. It’s a keyboard instrument with sets of graduated pipes through which compressed air is passed causing sound vibration.

There were a couple of O words that although not musical instruments still related to music.

Of course octave indicating seven degrees above or below a given tone.


And the final but certainly not the least was Orchestrate.

When combined with many other instruments these O words help to build an Orchestra that creates beautiful music all of us can appreciate and enjoy.

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