Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me. (John 15:4)
Jesus performed many miracles in His three years of ministry, from restoring sight to the blind man, to healing lepers, casting out demons and even feeding thousands of hungry people. He had faith in His Father and was given the ability to perform these miracles.
Do you know that with faith, God’s power manifests itself in you? Yes it does. When actuated by the Holy Spirit God’s power through the faith of man goes out to bless the world. Pretty awesome, but then again we have a pretty awesome God, Don’t you think?
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Oh most powerful, awesome Jesus, I know you performed many great miracles through the power of your Father. Come be with me, guide me, strengthen my faith so that with the power of God through You and the Holy Spirit I may become a beacon of faith and hope just as you. Show me how to use Your power to heal my little part of the world and bring more people to a unwavering faith in You, just as Your Son has. All this in Jesus name I pray.
Hi there once again, love today's words.
Thanks alot means alot to me,