Book Updates

Sorry I have been MIA for a while especially since I said I would try and post every week. There has been a lot going and I will fill you in on some before I really do go MIA.

News about Dragon Disciples: Resurrection:

I prepared and pitched to a new publisher. And I am excited to share that they asked for me to send a proposal.

This morning I finished the proposal and sent it off to the publisher. Now I wait. Send good thoughts and prayers that this publisher will accept my proposal and move the book onto the next phase.

When I hear from the publisher I will reveal who they are. For now I don’t want to jinx anything. It is in God’s hands now.

Dragon Disciples: Diaspora:

This book, the continuation of Resurrection is in the revision and editing stage. I temporarily have set it aside to cool as I have felt the third book calling.

Dragon Disciples: Tribulation:

The third book will take a slight turn as I am jumping ahead 10 years and some of the secondary characters will be the protagonist. This was done so I could capture the whole of history from Jesus’s mission to the fall of the Temple in Jerusalem.

Palace of Twelve Pillars series are available on Amazon:

Palace of the Twelve Pillars:

Palace of the Three Crosses:

Sanctuary of Nine Dragons:

Now back to the opening paragraph where I mentioned I would be MIA. I am having a surgery on Friday of this week and will not be able to post for a couple of weeks. I will try and post if I get an answer from the publisher, otherwise don’t expect to hear from me for a couple of weeks.

Send good thoughts or say some prayers for my book and my recovery and I will see you on the flip side.

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