Books, Book signings and New/Old Friends

Another quick note about things in general. I haven’t said much about the book signing on Saturday because I have been focusing on forward motion. But now that I have a little breather, I’ll tell you about it.

The first thing I did Saturday, and I know this sounds crazy, but I purged my office. It had become pretty messy and not a place I wanted to work in. I managed to collect quite a few books to donate to the NANOWRIMO book drive in the process, so even though I wasn’t writing I was doing Nano stuff. Finally the office is clean and I’m off to the book signing.

I along with Stevie and Myrria and a box of books arrive at A Novel Idea Used Books a little before four.  A small desk and hutch are all set up for me. I find a comfortable place for Stevie and Myrria along with myself. Dawn (the store owner) brings out a plate and we are set to roll. Within a couple of minutes our first customer comes in. This woman and her children are more than a customer they are fans, real fans and they haven’t even read the book yet. I met Danielle on Facebook about a year ago when we were both doing Nano. She didn’t know I was publishing a book and of course we didn’t know each other except through messages on Facebook and through the Nano forum. Anyway we have been communicating in the last year and when she realized I had a published book and was doing a signing, she was all over it. She really had to work hard to get to the store on Saturday and I hope she was satisfied with the results, I know I was. Thank you Danielle. She mentions my book, me and the bookstore on her blog. You should go over and check it out, she talks about home schooling, her faith and stuff about books and writing. A thoroughly enjoyable blog even without my name on it.  The address is: Definately worth the visit. And Danielle keep in touch maybe we can get together sometime for tea. (I don’t do coffee)

Anyway after Danielle left a few of my writing buddies, Carl and Darlene came in and looked around, bought my book along with a few others. It was nice to see friendly faces Hubby popped in with the girls along with daughters bff. They didn’t buy any of my books (I wonder why), but they did buy other books from the store. Another writing friend stopped by and the mother of the bff. Then yet another friend popped in just before closing and bought four of my books for use as Christmas presents.

Anyway I didn’t make a small fortune monetarily on Saturday evening, but found my riches in friends new and old and all because I shared a story of a boy who becomes a prince and find himself and his God in the bargain. God is good and has blessed me with many riches to which He has just added a few more.

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God Bless and Happy Writing


Palace of Three Crosses

Word count 20204

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