DAy 12 NanoWrimo 10:00 a.m.

Here I am again. I have reached that story lift off point. The ideas are flying off my fingers almost faster than I can type them. I am thousands of words beyond my goal. What has contributed to this wonderful feeling. I can think of a couple of things.

1. Even though most of my writing has been done in the seclusion of my office, I have not been writing in isolation. I have done numerous word wars with writing buddies via the internet.

2. My family has been supportive. I won’t say completely supportive, but pretty close. I do have to make a point of closing the door and saying no entrance when I am in the midst of a war, but when not warring the door is open and I can get hugs and love from two wonderful little girls and even a hubby visit on occasion.

3. I am not spending 24/7 in my office, I have managed to get out and walk with a friend, do the car pooling necessary and even a little relaxing once in a while, go figure. I continue to try and eat at least one real meal a day and I keep chocolate hidden in my office for those intense writing times.

4. I am not just writing my Nano project, I try and do at least on blog post each morning to get the writing juices flowing. Somedays, like today I manage to get two done and distributed. Like I said these serve to get the juices going and help me to focus on writing.

5. Oh and lest I forget, God, for giving me the talent and allowing me to take this time to write and inspiring the words. For He is truly the ultimate muse.

So now for the word count and keep in mind my planned goal was 22,000 words by the end of today.  Drum roll please: 23,304 words. So maybe not thousands but hundreds.
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Now on to make it thousands.

Happy Writing and God Bless,


Palace of Three Crosses

Word Count 23,304

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