Day 13 NanoWrimo 8:57 a.m

Okay I’m not going to have much to say today. I have continued plugging along and have gotten my word count to a very happy place, but I’m not going to rest on the current word count. Instead I will continue to plow forward and rack up the words.

The story is taking some exciting and unexpected turns which makes the writing all the more fun. The thrill of not knowing what the character will say or do next is a heady experience. I would like to compare it to a drug high, but since I have never had one of those I cannot attest to how wonderful it seems to be. What I will say is that when I am in the writing zone and the words are flowing, in my humble opinion, the feeling is better than that and it is legal. No one is going to come and arrest me for writing too many words or getting characters into and out of trouble. And even though I may be able to overdose, I most certainly will not die.

Any way drum roll please: Word Count at this moment in time is 25375. I am now officially past the halfway point (that’s if I want to quit at 50000).

Oh and one more quick note: I will not be posting tomorrow. I apologize for not letting you know last weekend, but I am letting you know now. Tomorrow is Sunday and I try not to write on Sunday. (the operative word try) I am sure at some point when the Bible study homework is done and the Steelers are winning, that I might write a few words on my wip, but I will not be posting word count until Monday. So enjoy the rest of your weekend and I’ll see you on Monday.

Happy Writing and God Bless,
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Palace of Three Crosses

Word Count 25375

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