The Lord said to Abram, “Go forth from the land of your kinfolk and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1, NAB)
Abram was happy and content with his life, so was I. We had a nice home, a grown family, a loving church family and my husband had a good job. Then like Abram, God started calling, first He gifted us with a fourth child, after having had my last sixteen years earlier. This led to a new home and going through raising another child. Of course after these major changes we thought God was finished with shaking up our lives. We were involved in church; we enrolled our youngest in a Catholic school. We prayed about our decisions and believed we were following God’s plan.
We didn’t anticipate the u-turn looming in front of us. Like Abram we were moving through our lives, when my husband was put in a position where he had to find a new job. He hadn’t hunted for a job in thirty years. We talked; we prayed and continued moving forward. God answered, practically dropping a new job in our laps. There was only one catch, we had to move across the country and leave behind the life we had built. Not so easy to follow God on this one. However, He continued to send clues that this was the right path to follow. First the new company wanted my husband right away and even offered a get out of jail card in six months if he didn’t like it. They met his salary demands and agreed to his time frame. Most importantly, they guaranteed that as Steeler fans, tomatoes would not be thrown at our house. What more could we ask for?
So in January, Al, my husband moved to the state of Washington and got a two bedroom apartment but we weren’t quite ready to commit. He began to search for a church, a school and a house. If we couldn’t find those then the deal was off. However, God really wanted us to make the move. A church and school quickly appeared on the radar. To make it even more appealing the church had a choir and a theater group, both of which were things we were involved with in Pennsylvania. All that was left the house.
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Lord, let me see the wisdom in your clues and the faith to follow wherever they may lead.
Do you feel a calling in your life to change something? Make a list of the reasons to go, all the clues that are pointing to your move. Do they outweigh the reasons to stay? Open yourself up to the nudging, embrace what is up ahead, be like Abram, step out in faith with the knowledge God will watch out for you.