Why can’t I start writing, God has opened the door and yet I hesitate to go through. I procrastinate by reading the Bible and trying to find a topic. Nothing jumps out at me. I eat and drink and still nothing. What am I doing wrong? A week ago, I sat down and God gave me the words. Today I must be sitting in the wrong place because the words will not come. They haven’t been coming for a few days. I must have moved away from God and He is gently calling me back. He gives me the option not to go through the door. It is all up to me. I can walk through the door or I can move further away.
I pick up my pen and head towards the door. The devil pulls me back, tempting me with evil fruits. He offers food, television, playing with my daughter and granddaughter. However, I have to be strong, keep my eye on the goal. I pull away and continue to move forward. God wants me to write his word, to share it with his people, to be his missionary. God has given me a great gift. All I have to do is accept it.
How can I not accept God’s gift? How can I give into the devil’s promise? It would be so easy to take up with the devil, but what do I get at the end of the road? Should I take the easy path and give up on my lofty writing goals? God has other people to spread his word; I could just eat another potato chip and watch another television show. It will not make any difference. Is my writing really going to change the world? The devil continues to put tempting objects in my path. I do so just want to lie down and close my eyes, stop thinking and trying to save the world. After all what has the world done for me?
“Devil, be quiet. You do not know what you are saying. God is the one I want to listen too.”
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If I go through God’s door, the path will not be smooth and the devil will follow and harass me, but God will lift me up and show me the light that will keep me moving forward. God will ensure that there is time to play with my daughter and granddaughter as well as write His words to share with the world. I may only be a small drop of rain, but I am one more drop than was there before and as my drop falls into the ocean of other drops my ripple touches someone else’s. Together our ripples reach out and touch more until we all become one in a common cause. Then the devil will break the chain. Nevertheless, we start over again and move closer to God.
As I look at my little girl’s face (she is another gift from God) I realize that I really have no choice. I must follow God’s path. No matter how rough the path may be it is the only path. I must be an example for her, of one who follows God’s path and overcomes the obstacles, a leader that she can follow and learn from. I must show her how to share the Word of God with others by using her gifts and I must help her to find her gifts. We all have received gifts from God that are to be discovered and used for the greater glory of God and consequently ourselves. By using our God given gifts, we praise God and build our final glorious home with him. We feel a satisfaction that only comes from doing God’s work, the ultimate satisfaction. Peace and love embrace our souls and gently carry us home to God.
Satan’s promises offer swift conclusions, but I must sacrifice too much of myself to accept his promises. Immediate gratification versus long-term joy with my Heavenly Father, the choice seems clear to me. I take up my pen and go through God’s door sit down at the desk beside Him. The words will come in God’s time. Meanwhile I continue to arm myself against the devil and share God’s word with the world around me.