Looking unto Jesus… who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross… and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2)
Do you have anxiety, fear? Do you want something to happen, but don’t want to wait for it?
Look to Jesus; lay your burdens at His feet. In your anxiety and fear, you will see His calm. In your impatience, witness His patience.
Recently, I had an opportunity to have a crucial piece of writing critiqued, with the possibility that the agent looking at it would ask to see more pages and possibly take on my project. I spent hours working on the piece, even showed it to several people. I convinced myself that the final piece I sent to her was sure to garner that request and I would be able to shortcut the query process. However, once again though, I had made the mistake of not considering Jesus in the equation, much to my future chagrin.
So anyway I sent the piece to the agent, and then sat back on my laurels, just waiting for the inevitable invite. This morning in my email, there it is the excitement bubbles as I open it. I read through, notes in red start to appear. Just notes for future reference, I’m sure she still wants it. Then the last paragraph: The query isn’t quite to the point yet where we would ask for sample pages. My heart hits the floor. How could they not want my pages?
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I should have put it in Jesus’ hands, but I thought I did. Well if I was disappointed by the outcome I didn’t. I would have graciously accepted the results and planned how to move forward. Now two hours later that is what I am doing. From here on out (at least as much as my human foibles will let me) I will place my trust in Jesus and accept whatever He has planned. I pray that it will be this novel someday, but if not then I will follow His lead to wherever that destination may be.
Most awesome, powerful Jesus I pray that you take my burdens, my worries, my impatience as I lay them at the foot of your cross. And please take them before I can grab them back. Teach me how to live patiently, calmly and in your perfection, to realize that I can do nothing without you, to wait on your time and not rush things to my idea of perfection. This I implore you my most gracious Savior, Jesus. Amen.
All for the Glory of God,