Tristi Pinkston hosts a wonderful writing blog and is inviting and chatting with other bloggers on her sight on Mondays. I have a little blurb up there this week. So trot on over to her sight and check it out. Thank you Tristi.
Here is a little bit about Tristi: Read and enjoy, then head over to her sight and check it out.
Tristi Pinkston has been blogging since 2006. On her main blog, ( she covers everything from writing tips and the life of a published author to kid funnies, spiritual thoughts, and embarrassing moments. She also has a weight loss blog, one for writing challenges, another for her fictional characters … and she lost count of how many others she has. You can find the links for them on her sidebar.
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God Bless,
Nice to meet you on Tristi’s blog today, Chris. Your blog looks lovely. 🙂
Thank you