N is for Njori

N is for Njori, that is Cave of Njori. It is located in the Anna Mountain Range in Imherp and Crato. The cave can be found in Mt. Evercidara and is where both Brandan and Joachim and later their children will travel to commune with Asha. There is a similar cave in the Valkan Mountain Range in Mahorg and Grilwood. Cave of Kobata in Mt. Dablaya is the cave Brandan and Joachim travel to for testing by Sidramah.

Before I end this post, I wanted to mention that I was remiss yesterday when I did M. Although Maeve and Magda are important characters, I failed to mention the Mantion. They are a race of dwarflike peoples that inhabit Grilwood. They live mostly in caves  and mine the many mines located in the mountains. They are in league with Sidramah and Wizard Melvane as well as Magda/Gudrun and her father, King Shigeo are plotting to rid Ramajadin of all humans and Kningrad so they can rule the world. They are also very afraid of dragons and fear that they will be eaten by them so they prefer to avoid dragons at all costs. Myrria and Alorn do enjoy this little character flaw in the Mantion.
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