R is for Ramajadin. Ramajadin is the fantasy world where my novels take place. The two countries, Mahorg and Crato, are modeled after fifteenth century Ireland and Germany. Hyogo the island prison and monastary has a Japanese flavor. Imherp is the Kningrad nation and is an ethereal world that not many get to see, except of course the Kningrad who as I mentioned in a previous post are like J.R.R Tolkein’s elves. It also serves as home to the Guardian Dragons of Asha as well as the Sanctuary of Nine Dragons, which serves as a retreat center, a place where the dragons can meet with the humans and other races and where at times Asha has been known to commune with the people of Ramajadin. One other small country, Grilwood is inhabited by the Mantion, also mentioned in a previous post. And Sidramah tends to hang out here when he meets with the people.
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There are indications for other countries, but they have yet to be developed and may be used in future books.