So I’m a day late, but not a dollar short. I signed up to participate in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. It started yesterday, but I was not ready to do a post, today I am.
So what do I talk about, with this headache pounding at my brain it is hard to think about my goals for the upcoming year, but I’ll have a go at it. It will help my word count for the day at least.
So where would I like to see this blog and my books go this year:
- A sequel for Palace of the Twelve Pillars has been started, so I’d like to finish that this year.
- There is a short story with a whole new character and story that I would like to write before February for an anthology.
- Finish the final book in Sir E. Robert Smythe series like now so I can get it submitted.
- Continue to promote YA and MG books.
- Continue to work on my Catholic history series.
- Leave myself open to new projects.
- Edit anything that may come up.
That looks like a full year to me and Myrria agrees. The dragons are all fidgeting for new stories and completion of already started stories. So here we go.
I am entering a comment to see if this works